[01] Tetrode
doodle reply

art fight 2024
outfit is based on ranno from rivals of aether
I can't really say where I got this attack idea from, but I can say that I really like these designs! It's pretty impressive how much you're able to do with a limited color palette.
This took me about two days to do, so i'm a bit behind in the goal of sketchbook pages I wanted to fill up.
I apologize if there are details on characters I missed. If you are too upset I can redo by making a single piece of your character.
For anyone wanting to revenge officially or unofficially, i likely don't have a character that fits, so I made a Design me a Pokémon Character based on the pokemon I had during the first attempt of my Pokemon Black Randomizer Nuzlocke.
It is sad that you can't have more than one recipient so I just chose the biggest character. :'(
Characters aren't in any specific order
Btw, the design is extremely cool
Also already drew Arcana back in 2022 for a sketch attack, still wanted to draw her in a proper attack tho so here she is in… Illustration? Idk how to describe it lol
Heavily downed the resolution for the site, here the image at it's regular size.
Love this character design he is really cute!!
It's nothing too elaborate, but it's more than I'm used to. I wanted to try drawing a bunch of characters in some kind of situation.
Psar: This attack was originally going to just be Fizz stomping his foot and being generically Angy before I had the idea to make something slightly more elaborate. Fizz was a character I wanted to draw last year, but I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with him at the time; I think I'm more in the understand zone now (1) because I talked to SadColor about him and (2) because I looked at the stuff you recently posted on Toyhouse, which I think is really good. You can probably deduce that the Toyhouse drawings of Fizz without a shirt on are why this comic has the punchline it does. I redesigned his robes a small amount because I think the bit works a little better when he's not wearing a lot of metal accessories; it should hopefully still be designer enough for him…
Redo: Hey, wait! That's me! I had no idea you could attack your own characters like this. Mar is in this comic for the same reason that Fizz is, but none of those pictures are public, so you'll have to take my word for it.
…[trimmed for length, view on art fight for the full description]…
SadColor: I'm keeping in the spirit of comic attacks, I guess? I figured that having one of your characters deadpan here would be fitting for multiple reasons, and I had also been wanting to draw Key because I think their new design is awesome. Key works nicely because of their relevance to Aya (who is relevant to Fizz), and also because they're presumably made of metal, giving them more of a reason to be fed up in this scenario. They're "tranquil," so I don't imagine them to be the no-nonsense type, but the secretarial duties might imply an orderly sort of disposition, and getting dragged around by two FOOLS all day would probably take a toll on anyone regardless. I'm not entirely sure what the implied context here is… I guess Aya was supposed to be here and didn't show up for Aya reasons, leaving Key to take her place. I'm making a lot of assumptions about Key based on their new design, but I'm hoping this interpretation is fun, at least. I was tempted to bring back the fishnets as well, but it didn't feel like the right time for them… maybe another day…
Banged this out in 2 and a half hours which is not normal for me. It's 6 in the morning as I type this and I feel like I'm dying. I don't know what happened. Proud to end off the season with it though.
Hope you enjoy!